Friday 8 May 2015

Strawberry Apple Jam

It was during our honeymoon that we first tasted strawberry apple jam. A lovely breakfast on the houseboat in Dal lake, Srinagar with Tea, Poha, Bread toast and Strawberry Apple Jam.  The jam just tasted heavenly with small chunks of apple and strawberry in it. On inquiry, we were told that it was locally procured but we were not fortunate enough to get a bottle of the jam from any of the shops we went.

Post that, I have tried making pineapple jam and mango jam but never strawberry apple jam. Recently, we celebrated one year of our trip to Kashmir reminiscing the trip and the enjoyable moments. That is when I recollected the refreshing jam we had in Srinagar giving a real feel of fresh strawberries and apples.

Bread and jam with coffee has been an easy breakfast option for us ever since we were married. What can be more fresh than home made jam with chunks of fruits to go with bread! When you make at home, you can be sure of exactly what goes into the jam with no fear of unknown and may be unhealthy ingredients. I have used no preservatives and no artificial colours. The colour of the jam was rendered by the strawberries.

Here it is - the recipe of the jam.


Strawberry - 500 gms
Apple - 500 gms
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 1 1/4 cup 


Hull the strawberries. Clean the strawberries and the apples well and pat them dry. Quarter the strawberries and cut the apples into small pieces once skinned. Grind the strawberries coarsely and set aside.
Heat a thick bottomed pan and pour in the ground strawberries and the chunks of apple. Add the sugar and bring the mixture to boil on high flame. Bring the flame to medium and keep stirring.

Keep stirring it to avoid the mixture from sticking to the bottom and burning. Stir for around 10-15 minutes, add the lime juice and keep stirring till you achieve the desired consistency.   In case, you find huge chunks of fruits, mash it using a fork.

You can add in more sugar if you want it more sweeter once you taste.  Try using a deep pan as the jam tends to splutter and you may have a tough time cleaning. Be careful it might even splutter on your face.

Meanwhile clean a glass jar and keep it closed and inserted in hot water.  Once the desired consistency is reached you can transfer the jam into the still warm jar and let it cool.  Using a fork or toothpick press the jam down in the jar to avoid formation of air bubbles.  You can store the jam in fridge for about a month.

Enjoy with your favorite bread, chapati or even biscuits (like we did in hostel).

While you start your preparations for the jam, let me relish the jam with home made bread. 
Aah!! how ravishing:)

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