Saturday 18 June 2016

Creamy Peanut Butter

It is hard to find anyone who wouldn't love gorging a toast slathered with peanut butter - be it creamy or chunky! A cup of coffee and peanut butter toast forms my ideal breakfast on a weekday.

I had my first taste of peanut butter during my hostel days when a friend's father got it from Dubai. Back then peanut butter had not gained the current popularity in India. Peanut butter slathered on Marie biscuit was a hot favorite snack in college. And on those nostalgic days we still do it. 

For those of you who love peanut butter and never gave a thought of making it at home - here is how you make it. It doesn't take you more than 30 minutes and even lesser if you already have roasted peanuts handy. Give it a thought. It is any day better than the store bought peanut butter which we inadvertently put into our shopping cart at the supermarket. It can be easily stored for almost a month in an airtight container.

For the ones who would love to lick on peanut butter, here is the recipe - 


Peanuts- 1/2 kg
Honey - 2 tbsp
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Oil - 2 tbsp


Dry roast the peanuts in a pan for around 10 minutes on medium flame.
Let it cool and remove the skin of the peanuts, alternatively you also get to buy skinned roasted peanuts which saves you the job of roasting and peeling.

In a blender, process together the peanuts and salt for a minute. Scrape the edges of the blender and drizzle in the oil and honey. Process for 2 minutes until smooth. The oil helps in getting the desired creamy consistency. I added honey for the sweetness, you may replace honey with sugar if you like your peanut butter sweet.

Transfer to an air tight container and store for up to a month without refrigerating. Even more refrigerating.

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