Sunday 5 March 2017

Cashew Chicken Roast

My very first attempt at making the humble chicken curry was born out frustration of a year long preparation for the 12th standard board exams which was no less than a nightmare. I remember hunting for a recipe from the old cookbooks and landing on one recipe, although I cant remember the name - it was some sort of a Parsi preparation. My sister till today says nothing can beat the first chicken curry that I made - I have till date not been able to replicate it and neither do I know where that recipe book is. Although the outcome of my first attempt was delicious, I remember using copious amount of oil and just because I was not sure if the chicken was cooked - I vaguely recollect taking it out of the curry, frying it and dropping it back in:) One thing the recipe called for was using cashew paste and I have just done that in this recipe using chicken drumsticks.

Some characteristics just don't die with time - one such is my penchant for chicken legs.  Thank God the chicken has two legs, else Shibin and I would have a hard time deciding who gets the leg piece! Shibin has a equal affinity for the legs too.

So let's get moving to the recipe -

  1. Chicken - 8 drumsticks
  2. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp for marination + 1/4 tsp
  3. Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp
  4. Chilli powder - 2 tsp
  5. Shallots - 1 cup chopped
  6. Tomato - 2 medium size
  7. Cashew - 100 gm
  8. Salt to taste
  9. Oil
  • Marinate the chicken drumsticks (skin removed) in turmeric powder, chilli powder, ginger garlic paste and salt. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • Puree the tomato.
  • Soak the cashew in water for 15 minutes. Drain and blend the cashew with just enough water to form a smooth paste.
  • Heat oil in a pan and saute the shallots till it wilts. Add the 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, once this is cooked, add the marinated chicken drumsticks. Give this a good mix before adding the tomato puree.
  • Let this cook covered until done. Uncover and let the gravy run dry on high flame.
  • Add the cashew paste and give it a good mix. Let this cook for 2- 3 minutes on medium flame before turning off.
  • Garnish with coarsely pounded cashew.

You may also note - 
  • The cashew paste once heated tend to stick on to the vessel. So do not let it cook for long as you may end up scraping out bits and pieces from the vessel.

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