Sunday 4 June 2017

Kerala style beef ellu curry / Kerala style beef (with bones) curry

India is in the middle of a beef debate and this post is in no way a protest against the ban. I just happened to make beef curry exactly on the day beef ban was declared in India. Yet, if the government of my country decides to ban beef I am liable to obey it, if it were only for the right reasons! Doesn't my country have so many other pressing issues that need attention? Hinduism reveres cows, but doesn't Hinduism and every other religion hold human beings in high value? Aren't Goddess' also worshiped? Then why on earth aren't women in our society held in high regard? Sexual harassment cases are on an unprecedented high and the culprits walk free or are meted with special treatment in jail. But it is ok to take law in hands when someone decides to transport cow? Even if it was not for slaughter? Don't we women deserve a bit more respect in the society and severe actions taken against those who wrong us? Despite all this, fear of punishment will hold us back from eating beef in India. I dream of a day when fear of punishment will stop people from committing atrocities against women. I envision a day when women in the society can walk as free as the cows do now! This is the least the government can do for our country! If the men who go out of their way to find out who is slaughtering cow and punish them could take a little of their time to ensure that country is a safe place for women, India would have been a much better place. Do we not deserve even so much? These are purely my thoughts and am not on for a debate on the ban:)

Having placed my thoughts on the beef ban, let me move to the recipe. This is from my family kitchen - when I say family, I have seen my mom and aunt make it and mostly served with puttu/steam cake. So that is what I did too - so here is the recipe for beef ellu curry.

  1. Beef with bones - 1 kg
  2. Potato - 1/2 kg diced
  3. Tomato - 2 medium sliced
  4. Onion - 3 medium sliced a little thick
  5. Green Chilli - 5- 6 slit
  6. Ginger - 1 tbsp grated
  7. Garlic - 1 tbsp grated
  8. Garam masala - 1 tbsp
  9. Coriander powder - 2 tbsp
  10. Chilli powder - 1 tbsp
  11. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  12. Coconut milk - 1/2 cup thick
  13. Coconut milk - 1 and 1/2 cup thin
  14. Cinnamon - 1 inch
  15. Green cardamom - 2
  16. Cloves - 3
  17. Curry leaves
  18. Shallots - 2 tbsp
  19. Peppercorns - 1 tbsp
  20. Salt to taste
  21. Oil
  • Heat oil in pressure cooker and add the whole spices - cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. Saute till fragrant.
  • Add the onions and saute till transparent. Tip in the ginger, garlic and green chilli. Cook until done.
  • Add the masala powders - turmeric, corriander, chilly and garam masala one at a time, Stirring it well to combine and cook.
  • Add the beef, potato and the tomato. Stir well to combine the masala. Pour in the thin milk of coconut and pressure cook until the beef is done. The cooking time may vary according to the beef used.
  • Release the pressure of the cooker. Add salt and the thick milk of coconut. Let it simmer for 2 minutes and then turn off  the flame.
  • In a mortar and pestle, crush the chopped shallots ( alternatively onions) and pepper corn coarsely.
  • Heat oil in a separate pan , add the crushed pepper and shallots. Fry till the color of the shallots begin to darken and add curry leaves.
  • Garnish the beef ellu curry with this and serve hot with puttu.
You may also note
  • Do not boil the gravy once you add the thick milk of coconut.
  • You may make this with boneless beef as well but with the bones it gets more flavorful.

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